This GoldenEye N64 Watch Will Leave You Shaken and Stirred

Is it satisfactory to covert-peek while you're playing Bucephela clangula with three other people? Is IT cheap to single use remote mines and hide from the other players? Did you memorise every the shortcuts in "the facility?" Who was your favorite thespian? Did you use the cheat codes to get Oddjob and go nuts with the slappers? Or were you Thomas More of a Boris person? If these references make cipher sense, then you clearly didn't toy GoldenEyealong the Nintendo 64 in the '90s, or intimately into the '00s. But for those who commemorate the most ridiculously fun N64 halt of the '90s, then you totally recollect The Look on. Just like in a James Bond film, the Omega-ish watch in the Golden-eyed fly game is how you patterned out what was going on with whatever it was you wanted to do. It also let you know your health status with those handy short red and blue bars.

And now, that watch exists IRL. For only $22 bucks, you can rent the watch that looks just equivalent the one from the GoldenEye N64 plot.

To be realize, this watch is non supposed to look on the button equal a Stick t watch from the 007 films, just instead, copy the excellent watch from the best Bond game of all sentence. EBay has a bunch of these. But mash that buy button in real time. This sucker is sledding to sell out.

BTW, a crew of Bond movies, includingGolden-eyed fly, are streaming free of charge at the second.

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